Monday, April 11, 2011

More Garden Progress

^ hmmm someone got out who's not suppose to be.... ^

Lots more progress on the garden today. Mother Nature has been very kind to me these past three days, especially considering two of them were suppose to be thunder showers and we got sun instead :D Got all the vines dragged away (found a big ass tarp thankfully) and clipped some more of them, dug out three of the biggest thorn roots, and then took the metal rake to the actual garden area. Took about 2hrs so I called it a day. Tomorrow - weather permitting - I'm gunna run the rake over it in the opposite direction and try and get all the big weeds out and rake/clip the other section. Thinking of transplanting a couple of the really small cedar trees into the other half - too many roots and stuff to plant flowers, etc. So, ten hours total working on this project...I think once I get it full cleaned out, and the surrounding area raked up and shit, I'll post a couple before/after pics haha Hopefully no more cold weather and my germinating seeds sprout and I can get to the actual planting process in a few weeks. Still want to put in the stone fencing and those candle holders and such to make it all purdy too lol

Oh, and in exciting news, my Never-Ending Dance drawing has been sold!! I posted some of them on FB while I'm getting things set up on etsy still and one of my penpals is buying it and going to commission other work from me now and then :D

1 comment:

  1. I must say, I'm jealous of the amount of open space you have available. I don't even get enough sunlight to container-garden!
